Saturday, 5 October 2013



    1. Here we shall study few case studies on how to hack email IDs by means of Social Engineering. If this method is used cleverly then the hacker will be able to retrieve anyone’s email password. Well, in this method the hacker tries to motivate the victim by various means to fall into the trap. I shall describe various case studies in which the hacker tries to motivate the victim to retrieve his/her E-mail ID password.
Case Study 1
Below given is a clever trick, where the hacker has tried to social engineer any victim to retrieve his/her yahoo passwords.
  1. Hacking yahoo is as easy as sending an E-mail.
  2. Have you ever asked for your password from Yahoo? This system confuses that same system.
  3. By simply emailing this
  4. var return[snd_mail] = your;
  5. var enterpass_md5 = yourpass;
  6. Fcn7662Nc2A_md5encryp_get_pass(TheIDofthepassyouwant);
  7. This confuses the server to, email you the persons password.
  8. All that is required is that you copy that script exactly!
  9. Here is an example:
  10.“”,null,”height=500,width=800,status=no,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=yes, scrollbars=yes”); var return =;
  11. var enterpass = drowssap;
  12. Fcn7662Nc2A_md5encryp_get_pass(joe14469);
  13. In a matter of minutes you will have joe14469’s password!
  14. How it works:
  15. The program normally would read your login name find your password with functions setup by yahoo and re-email it to you. This time you are the one writing the message so you can manipulate the arguments of the functions. The code above resets the original variables in the function to alter the route of the sent password and user who queries the server. Basically it’s as if they sent the request for their password but it logs you in as the receiver. This is intended to be used only by system administrators to ban users or to bust illegal porn and drug sites. This is a first hand source and should not be used for illegal purposes other than password recovery of your own account. Any unlawful activity is your own responsibility and no one else. Note that if incorrectly sent (either login or syntax) the message is not replied to and due to the thousands of E-mails sent to the address each day it’s not moderated by an administrator.
  16. Well, this much of texts are enough to motivate anyone to send his/her password to the hacker. If you read carefully the hacker is trying to make the victim send his/her password emailed to the hacker E-mail ID ( But its very clear to all the readers, yahoo doesn’t have any such mechanism to retrieve the password. So, don’t get trapped into such dirty games. This is not the only way of Social Engineering to hack email passwords. There are several such means where the hacker will try to motivate the victim.
Case Study 2
How to see saved password in Mozilla firefox
  • Government Grants
  • Online Learning
  • Emergency Responses
Here is simple hacking tutorial to view the saved passwords in Mozilla firefox. 
While visiting public internet cafe ,some innocent peoples click the “Remember” while mozilla asking for remembering.   This is one of the benefit for us to hack their account in very simple way.
Follow these steps to see the saved Passwords:
  • click the “Tools” menu in menu bar.
  • Select Options
  • It will open a small window
  • Select the “security” tab in that small window
  • You can view “saved Passwords” button

  • Click that button.
  • It will another small window
  • There will be list of sites with usernames
  • Select One site and click the “show Password”
  • It will clearly show you the password
Access blocked website in college or school or net center-Proxy Server
  • Emergency medical services
  • Agency Security

  • Hide your ip address
In your college or school they restrict to see some sites ? You can access without any restrictions using the proxy server.  
What is Proxy?
Proxy server is some kind of a buffer between your computer and the designated internet destination. When you use a proxy server , your computer will send a request to the proxy server , then the proxy server will send it to the destination (for example a website), the destination will answer the request the proxy has sent and finally the proxy will return the data to you computer.
Reasons for using proxy servers:
  • Proxy server is able to increase or decrease the speed of your connection to the Internetdepending on the location of the proxy
  • Proxy server ( but only anonymous) can hide your IP address (the resource you visit will retrieve the IP of the proxy, and not your
  • Proxy servers can help in case some owner of an Internet resource impose restrictions for users from certain countries ( for example is only reserved for those from United States, if you are not from United States, you can’t watch videos on
How to Use: 
open the proxy server site .
when you open the browser it will ask you to get the certificate.
so click “Get certificate “
and click “ok”
Now site will be opened
The website will ask you to enter the url of site.
enter url of site you want to visit .
List of Proxy Sites:

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