Saturday, 8 March 2014

Mouse CD20 expression and function

CD20 plays a role in human B cell proliferation and is an effective target for immunotherapy. In this study, mouse CD20 expression and biochemistry were assessed for the first time using a new panel of CD20specific mAb, with CD20 function assessed using CD20deficient (CD20–/–) mice. CD20 expression was B cell restricted and was initiated during late preB cell development. The frequency and density of CD20 expression increased during B cell maturation in the bone marrow, with a subpopulation of transitional IgMhi B cells expressing higher CD20 levels than the majority of mature recirculating B cells. Transitional T1 B cells in the spleen also expressed high CD20 levels, providing a useful new marker for this B cell subset. In CD20–/– mice, immature and mature B cell IgM expression was 20–30% lower relative to B cells from wildtype littermates. In addition, CD19induced intracellular calcium responses were significantly reduced in CD20–/– B cells, with a less dramatic effect on IgMinduced responses. These results reveal a role for CD20 in transmembrane Ca2+ movement in mouse primary B cells that complements previous results obtained using human CD20 cDNAtransfected cell lines. Otherwise, B cell development, tissue localization, signal transduction, proliferation, T celldependent antibody responses and affinity maturation were normal in CD20–/– mice. Thus, mouse and human CD20 share similar patterns of expression and function. These studies thereby provide an animal model for studying CD20 function in vivo and the molecular mechanisms that influence antiCD20 immunotherapy.
CD20 is a B lymphocytespecific cellsurface molecule involved in the regulation of transmembrane Ca2+ conductance and cellcycle progression during human B cell activation (1). CD20 is first expressed by human preB cells in the bone marrow, predominantly after Ig heavy chain rearrangement, with expression persisting until plasma cell differentiation (24). A limited analysis of CD20 transcripts in mouse cell lines and tissues suggests that mouse CD20 is also B cell specific (5). Both human and mouse CD20 cDNAs encode a membraneembedded protein with hydrophobic regions of sufficient lengths to pass through the membrane 4 times (58). Mouse and human CD20 are well conserved (73%) in amino acid sequence, particularly the transmembrane and long N and Cterminal cytoplasmic domains (5). The cytoplasmic domains are serine and threonine rich with multiple consensus sequences for phosphorylation. Human CD20 is not glycosylated, but three isoforms (33, 35 and 37,000Mr) result from the differential phosphorylation of a single protein on different serine and threonine residues (911).
CD20 plays a role in the regulation of human B cell activation, proliferation and Ca2+ transport (12,13). Antibody ligation of CD20 can generate transmembrane signals that result in enhanced CD20 phosphorylation (10), induction of cmyc and Bmyb oncogene expression (14,15), induced serine/threonine and tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins (16), increased CD18, CD58 and MHC class II molecule expression (17,18), and protein tyrosine kinase activation that induces B cell adhesion (19). CD20 ligation promotes transmembrane Ca2+transport (13), but does not usually lead to increased intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i)3 levels (13,20,21), except after extensive crosslinking (16). Antibody binding to CD20 inhibits B cell progression from the G1 phase into the S/G2 + M stages of the cell cycle following mitogen stimulation, and inhibits mitogeninduced B cell differentiation and antibody secretion (12,2022). Extensive CD20 crosslinking can also influence apoptosis (23,24). These divergent observations may be explained in part by the finding that CD20 is a component of an oligomeric complex that forms a membrane transporter or Ca2+ ion channel that is activated during cellcycle progression (13,2527). Despite this, B cell development and function in a line of CD20deficient (CD20–/–) mice is reported to be normal (28).
The majority of human B celllineage malignancies express CD20 (29). Because of this, antiCD20 mAb have become an effective therapy for nonHodgkin’s lymphoma (3037). Whether CD20 function or its membraneembedded structure contributes most to its effectiveness as a therapeutic target remains an open issue since studies assessing in vivo B cell function and therapeutic mechanisms are difficult in humans. To address this, and determine whether and how CD20 regulates normal mouse B cell function and development, we have generated mAb reactive with mouse CD20 and CD20–/– mice. These reagents have allowed the characterization of CD20 expression in mouse and assessment of its role in mouse B cell function.
Generation of CD20–/– mice
DNAs encoding the 3 end of the Cd20 gene were isolated from a 129/Sv strain mouse DNA phage library, mapped and sequenced to identify intron/exon boundaries (Fig. 1A and B) (38). Gene targeting used a pBluescript SKbased vector (p594; David Milstone, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA) containing a PstI (exon 5) through EcoRV (exon 6, 1.8 kb) DNA fragment downstream of the pMC1HSV gene. An 10 kbKpnI DNA fragment was inserted downstream of the neomycin resistance (Neor) marker (Fig. 1C). The plasmid was linearized using a unique SalI restriction site and used to transfect 129 strainderived embryonic stem (ES) cells that were selected with G418 as described (39). Six of 115 Neoresistant ES cell colonies carried the targeted allele (Fig. 1D). Appropriate targeting was further verified by Southern analysis of DNA digested withBamHI (>12kb fragment reduced to a 6.5kb band), KpnI (7.2 became 5.5 kb) and SspI (5.6 became 7.0 kb) using the same probe. Cells of one ES cell clone generated 80–100% chimeric male offspring that were crossed with C57BL/6 mice for seven or more generations. Heterozygous offspring were crossed to generate homozygous CD20–/– and wildtype littermates (Fig. 1E). In most cases, results obtained using wildtype littermates of CD20–/– mice and (C57BL/6 × 129)F1 mice were identical, so the results were pooled. Spleen and peritoneal cavity subset analysis was carried out using three to 10 littermates pairs at various ages, so only comparisons between wildtype and CD20–/– mice are valid. Mice were housed in a specificpathogenfree barrier facility and used at 2–3 months of age. The Animal Care and Use Committee of Duke University approved these studies.

Immunofluorescence analysis
Singlecell leukocyte suspensions were stained on ice using predetermined optimal concentrations of each antibody for 20–60 min as described (40). Cells with the forward and side light scatter properties of lymphocytes were analyzed on FACScan or FACSCalibur flow cytometers (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA). Background staining was determined using unreactive control mAb (Caltag, Burlingame, CA) with gates positioned to exclude 98% of the cells. Antibodies used included: CD19 mAb (MB191) (911), B220 mAb (RA36B2; provided by Dr Robert Coffman, DNAX, Palo, Alto, CA; Thy1.2 (Caltag); antibodies reactive with IgM, IA, CD5, CD11b, CD23 and CD43 (BD PharMingen, Franklin Lakes, NJ); and antimouse IgG3, IgM and IgD antibodies (Southern Biotechnology Associates, Birmingham, AL).
Hybridomas producing CD20specific mouse mAb were generated by the fusion of NS1 myeloma cells with spleen cells from CD20–/– mice immunized with murine CD20green fluorescent protein (GFP) transfected 300.19 cells (41). The antiCD20 mAb MB201, 2 and 14 were of the IgG1 isotype, MB206, 11 and 16 were IgG2a, MB207, 8, 10 and 18 were IgG2b, and MB203 and 13 were IgG3 mAb. CHO cells and the 300.19 preB cell line expressing mouse CD20 fused with GFP were generated by transfecting each cell line with cDNA encoding the fused proteins (5). Transfected cells were isolated by fluorescencebased cell sorting based on GFP expression.
Intracellular Ca2+ measurements
Changes in [Ca2+]i levels were monitored by flow cytometry as described (42) after treating the cells with goat F(ab)2 antiIgM antibody (5–40 µg/ml; Cappel/ICN, Aurora, OH), antimouse CD19 mAb (MB191, 40 µg/ml), thapsigargin (1 µM; Sigma, St Louis, MO) or ionomycin (2.67 µg/ml; Calbiochem, La Jolla, CA). In some cases, EGTA (5 mM final) was added to the cell suspension, followed by the agents described above.
B cell activation assays
Spleen B cells were purified (>93% B220+) by removing T cells with Thy1.2 antibodycoated magnetic beads (Dynal, Lake Success, NY). For signal transduction studies, B cells were incubated (2 × 107/ml) in RPMI 1640 medium containing 5% FCS at 37°C for 5 min before adding F(ab)2 antimouse IgM antibody fragments (40 µg/ml). After adding cold saline containing 400 µM EDTA and 100 µM sodium orthovanadate, the cells were then detergent lysed as described (43,44). For CD20 structural studies, B cells were surface biotinylated with EZLink SulfoNHSBiotin (0.5 mg/ml; Pierce, Rockford, IL), then detergent lysed. Cell lysates were precleared with IgG1 mAb (1 µg) and 50 µl of a 50% suspension of Protein G–Sepharose (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ), with proteins immunoprecipitated using 2 µg of mAb and Protein G–Sepharose. The beads were washed twice with high and lowsalt RIPA buffers, twice with PBS, boiled in sample buffer (with or without 10% 2mercaptoethanol), electrophoresed, and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Blots of wholecell lysates were probed with MB201 mAb, peroxidaseconjugated 4G10 antibody (Upstate Biotechnology, Lake Placid, NY), with antiphosphoCD19 (Y513), phospholipase Cγ (Y783), Syk (Y525/Y526), BTK (Y223), Src family kinase antibodies (Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly, MA) or antiactive MAPK antibody (Promega, Madison, WI). The membranes were stripped and reprobed with a rabbit polyclonal antiSHP1 antibody (Upstate Biotechnology) or antiLyn (Lyn44), antiFyn (Fyn3) and antiERK2 (C14) antibodies (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA). Biotinylated proteins or antibodies were detected using streptavidinconjugated horseradish peroxidase (Southern Biotechnology Associates) and an enhanced chemiluminescence kit (Pierce).
For studies of CD20 phosphorylation, primary B cells (107/ml) were cultured with lipopolysaccharide (LPS, Escherichia. coli serotype 0111:B4, 10 µg/ml; Sigma) for 48 h. Primary B cells and cell lines were then cultured in phosphatefree media for 1 h, cultured in medium containing 200 µCi/ml [32P]orthophosphate (PerkinElmer, Boston, MA) for 90 min, washed, lysed, immunoprecipitated and separated by SDS–PAGE, with autoradiography as described (19,45)
Functional assays
Spleen B cell proliferation was measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation as described (46). Eightweekold mice were immunized with 2,4dinitrophenylconjugated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (100 µg, DNPKLH; CalbiochemNovabiochem, La Jolla, CA) or were immunized twice with (4hydroxy3nitrophenyl acetyl) conjugated to chicken γglobulin (50 µg, NP18CGG) precipitated in alum as described (47). Serum DNP and NPspecific antibody levels were measured by ELISA as described (46,48), with the relative affinity/avidity of antibody responses assessed as described (48).
Generation of CD20–/– mice
CD20–/– mice were generated through targeted disruption of the Cd20gene in ES cells by homologous recombination. A targeting vector replaced exons encoding part of the second extracellular loop, the fourth transmembrane domain and the large Cterminal cytoplasmic domain of CD20 with a neomycin resistance gene (Fig. 1A–D). Appropriate gene targeting in ES cells was verified by Southern analysis of DNA digested with EcoRV, BamHI, KpnI and SspI. Mice homozygous for Cd20 gene disruption were obtained at the expected Mendelian frequency by crossing heterozygous offspring of founder mice generated using targeted ES cells. Southern blot and PCR analysis of genomic DNA from homozygous offspring further verified appropriate Cd20 gene targeting and the genomic deletion of exons 6–8 (Fig. 1E and F). Wildtype CD20 mRNA was absent in CD20–/– mice as confirmed by PCR amplification of cDNA generated from splenocytes of CD20–/– mice (Fig. 1G). As predicted, a fused CD20Neor gene transcript was detected at low levels in CD20–/–mice by PCR, which translated into an aberrant CD20 peptide truncated at amino acid 157 that was fused with an 88aminoacid peptide encoded by the Neor gene promoter sequence. Absence of cellsurface CD20 protein expression in CD20–/– mice was verified using a panel of 12 mouse antimouse CD20 mAb that were reactive with 300.19 and CHO cells transfected with CD20GFP cDNA, but not with untransfected cells (Fig.1H). These mAb reacted with cellsurface CD20 epitopes expressed by CD19+ splenocytes from wildtype mice, but not from CD20–/– mice (Fig.1I). Therefore, the targeted Cd20 gene mutation abrogated cellsurface CD20 expression.
B cell development in CD20–/– mice
In the 9 years since their production, CD20–/– mice have thrived and reproduced as well as their wildtype littermates and do not present any obvious anatomical or morphological abnormalities, or susceptibility to infections during their first year of life. CD20–/– mice had normal frequencies of IgM B220lo pro/preB cells, IgM+ B220lo immature B cells and IgM+ B220hi mature B cells (Fig. 1J and Table 1), and normal numbers of AA4.1+ or HSAhi B220lo immature/transitional B cells in their bone marrow (data not shown). Numbers of blood, spleen and lymph node IgM+ B220+ B cells were not significantly different between CD20–/– mice and their wildtype littermates (Table 1).

Frequencies and numbers of B cells in CD20–/– micea

B cell IgM expression was significantly lower in CD20–/– mice relative to immature and mature B cells of wildtype littermates (Table 1 and Fig. 1J). In addition, there was an 50% reduction in numbers of IgMhi B220lo B cells in the spleens of CD20–/– littermates. Decreased numbers of IgMhiB220lo B cells may reflect reduced IgM expression by most B cells, but was not attributable to a loss in spleen marginal zone B cells since the number of cells with a CD1dhi CD21+ phenotype was not significantly different between CD20–/– and wildtype littermates (Table 1). Likewise, numbers of transitional T1 (CD21lo HSAhi) and T2 (CD21hi HSAint) B cells, which represent recent emigrants from the bone marrow, were not reduced (Table 1). Rather, the frequency and number of T1 cells was usually higher in CD20–/– mice, similar to the increase in frequency of mature IgM+B220hi B cells observed in bone marrow of CD20–/– mice. Decreased numbers of IgMhi B220lo B cells may be attributable in part to a reduction in spleen B1 cells since there was a 64% decrease in the number of CD5+B220lo B1a cells within the peritoneal cavity of CD20–/– mice. The overall number of IgM+ B220+ B cells in the peritoneum of CD20–/– and wildtype littermates was similar due to an increase in the number of CD5 B220hi B cells (Table 1 and Fig. 1J). The number of B1b B cells (CD11b+ CD5B220lo) was similar in CD20–/– and wildtype littermates (Table 1). There were no obvious differences in the size (light scatter properties) of CD20–/– B cells isolated from bone marrow, blood, lymph nodes or spleen when compared with B cells from wildtype littermates (not shown). An immunohistochemical analysis of spleen tissue sections revealed an otherwise normal architecture and organization of B220+ B cells (data not shown). Therefore, with the exception of decreased IgM expression, a reduction in the IgMhi B220lo B cell subset in the spleen, and low numbers of B1 cells within the peritoneal cavity, CD20 expression was not an obligate requirement for B cell development and tissue localization.
CD20–/– B cell function
The proliferative response of purified CD20–/– B cells to surface IgM ligation was comparable to wildtype B cells over a range of antibody concentrations (1–40 µg/ml; Fig. 1K and data not shown). Proliferation was also normal when the B cells were activated by LPS (Fig. 1K) over a range of concentrations (0.1–10 µg/ml, not shown) or using IL4 (10–100 U/ml) plus antiIgM antibody at a suboptimal (5 µg/ml) concentration. Thus, CD20 loss had no detectable effect on mitogeninduced proliferation. Normal levels of all Ig isotypes were found in sera from CD20–/– mice (Fig. 1L). CD20–/– mice also generated primary and secondary antibody responses of all isotypes that were similar to those observed in wildtype littermates following immunization with a T celldependent antigen, DNPKLH (Fig. 1M). In addition, CD20–/– mice and their wildtype littermates generated equivalent primary and secondary IgM and IgG1 antiNP antibody responses following immunization with NPCGG (five mice for each group; not shown). Moreover, the affinities of primary and secondary IgG1 antiNP antibody responses generated in CD20–/–mice were similar to those generated in their wildtype littermates. Therefore, CD20 function was not required for T–B cell interactions, isotype switching or affinity maturation during the generation of humoral immune responses.
CD20 expression during B cell development
Using the panel of mouse antimouse CD20 mAb, two mouse preB cell lines (300.19 and 38B9) and two T cell lines (BW5147 and BL4) failed to express CD20 cell surface protein, while the 70Z preB line, A20 and AJ9 mature B cell lines, and NS1 plasmacytoma line were CD20+ (Figs 1H and 2A, data not shown). Similarly, CD20 was only expressed by subsets of B220+ cells in the bone marrow (Fig. 2B); 30 ± 3% of B220lo lymphocytes were CD20+, while all B220hi B cells were CD20+ (n = 6 mice). A similar fraction of CD19+ B cells in the bone marrow were CD20+ (51 ± 2%, n = 6). Consistent with this, CD43+ B220+ proB cells did not express CD20, while 10 ± 1% (n = 3) of CD43 IgM B220lo preB cells expressed CD20 at low densities (Fig. 2G). All CD20+ preB cells (CD43 IgM B220lo) were small based on their light scatter properties, suggesting that CD20 expression was primarily initiated at or near the time of heavy chain expression. Consistent with this, the majority of immature IgM+ B220lo B cells expressed CD20 (76 ± 9%, n = 3; fraction I, Fig. 2G). A subpopulation of immature IgMhi B220+ (fraction II, Fig. 2G) or CD19lo B cells in the bone marrow expressed CD20 at 277 ± 53% (n = 3) higher densities than mature B220hi (fraction III, Fig. 2G) or CD19hi B cells (Fig. 2B). Thus, CD20 is first expressed during the small preB cell to immature B cell transition, with CD20 expression increasing with maturation and then decreasing with entry into the mature B220hi pool of recirculating B cells.
Structural characteristics of CD20
Mouse and human CD20 were compared by precipitating these molecules from surfacelabeled B cell lines using the MB201 mAb reactive with mouse CD20 and the PB4 mAb reactive with a cytoplasmic epitope of human CD20. Mouse CD20 migrated faster than human CD20 under nonreducing conditions, but also migrated as at least two distinct molecular species with Mr of 33 and 35,000 (Fig. 3A). Under reducing conditions, mouse CD20 migrated as at least two equally represented molecular species with Mr of 40 and 42,000 (Fig. 3A). Multiple cellsurface molecules coprecipitated with mouse CD20, as occurs with human CD20 (9,16). The PB4 mAb coprecipitates molecules associated with human CD20 better than mAb that react with CD20 extracellular domains (Tedder, unpublished observations). Coprecipitation of CD20associated molecules in mouse was not due to mAb crossreactivity since the MB201 mAb only reacted with mouse CD20 in western blots and CD20 or other proteins were not precipitated from lysates of CD20–/– B cells (Fig. 3B, data not shown). Surprisingly, mouse CD20 was not a dominant phosphoprotein in resting primary mouse B cells, antiIgM antibody or LPSactivated B cells, or B cell lines, even after phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) treatment (Fig. 3C), as it is in human B cells (10,50). Furthermore, PMAinduced phosphorylation of CD20 in LPSblasts or B cell lines did not lead to a significant shift in CD20 protein Mr from the faster species to the slower species as characterizes human CD20 (10,11). Thus, mouse and human CD20 share many structural features, with some differences.
Reduced [Ca2+]i responses in CD20–/– B cells
Despite normal B cell development in CD20–/– mice, splenic B220+ B cells from CD20–/– mice generated reduced [Ca2+]i responses following IgM ligation with optimal (40 µg/ml; Fig. 4A) and suboptimal concentrations (5 µg/ml; data not shown) of antiIgM antibodies when compared with wildtype B cells. The kinetics of the immediate [Ca2+]i response was not altered in CD20–/– B cells. However, the magnitude of the maximal [Ca2+]iincrease was 34 ± 4% lower (P < 0.001, n = 9) in CD20–/– B cells, with the level of the sustained increase observed at later time points reduced similarly. Chelation of extracellular Ca2+ with EGTA reduced the kinetics and magnitude of the [Ca2+]i increase observed following IgM crosslinking on CD20–/– and wildtype B cells. The maximal magnitude of the [Ca2+]i response in the presence of EGTA was 38 ± 7% lower (P < 0.002, n= 7) in CD20–/– B cells relative to wildtype B cells.

CD19induced [Ca2+]i responses were significantly lower (70 ± 4%, P < 0.001, n = 5) for CD20–/– B cells relative to wildtype B cells (Fig. 4B). Lower [Ca2+]i responses did not result from decreased CD19 expression by CD20–/– B cells (Fig. 4D). Chelation of extracellular Ca2+ with EGTA mostly eliminated CD19induced [Ca2+]i responses in both wildtype and CD20–/– B cells. Reduced [Ca2+]i responses following IgM or CD19 ligation by CD20–/– B cells were not likely to result from differences in internal Ca2+ stores or extracellular Ca2+ concentrations since thapsigargin and ionomycininduced [Ca2+]i responses were slightly higher on average in CD20–/– B cells than in wildtype B cells (Fig. 4C, data not shown). The decrease in [Ca2+]i responses in CD20–/– B cells is also unlikely to result from differences in genetic backgrounds. CD20–/– mice and their wildtype littermates were generated from 129 strain ES cells, but were backcrossed with C57BL/6 mice for at least seven generations. In control experiments, IgMinduced and CD19induced [Ca2+]i responses were similar, if not identical, for C57BL/6, (C57BL/6 × 129)F1 and 129 B cells (n = 4, data not shown). Therefore, reduced [Ca2+]i responses in CD20–/– mice were likely to result from the absence of CD20 function, rather than background differences. Since [Ca2+]i responses observed following CD19 crosslinking were primarily dependent on transmembrane Ca2+ flux and CD19induced [Ca2+]i responses were significantly perturbed in CD20–/– mice, CD20 function may be particularly important for transmembrane Ca2+transport.
Signal transduction in CD20–/– B cells
The effect of CD20 loss on B cell transmembrane signal transduction was evaluated by assessing total cellular protein tyrosine phosphorylation in purified B cells following IgM ligation. Overall levels of tyrosine phosphorylation were similar in resting splenic B cells from CD20–/– and wildtype littermates, although some variation was observed between B cells from individual mice in individual experiments (Fig. 5A). Protein tyrosine phosphorylation after IgM ligation was also similar in B cells from CD20–/– and wildtype littermates. Phosphorylation of individual signaling molecules downstream of IgM, including Lyn and other Src kinases, phospholipase Cγ, CD19, BTK, and MAP kinase, was also similar in B cells from CD20–/– and wildtype littermates (Fig. 5B). Thus, CD20deficiency was unlikely to significantly alter basal or IgMinduced transmembrane signaling.

Fig. 5. Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in purified splenic B cells of CD20–/–and wildtype littermates. (A) B cells (2 × 107/sample) were incubated with F(ab)2antiIgM antibody fragments for the times shown and detergent lysed. Proteins were resolved by SDS–PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose and immunoblotted with antiphosphotyrosine (antipTyr) antibody. The blot was stripped and reprobed with antiSHP1 antibody as a control for equivalent protein loading. The migration of mol. wt markers (kDa) is shown for each panel. (B) Tyrosine phosphorylation of signaling molecules by CD20–/– B cells. Purified splenic B cells from wildtype and CD20–/– littermates were stimulated with F(ab)2 antimouse IgM antibody (40 µg/ml) for the indicated times. Detergent lysates of cells were utilized for western blot analysis with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies to assess protein phosphorylation. The blots were subsequently stripped and reprobed with antiERK2 antibody to confirm equivalent protein loading between samples. All results represent those obtained in at least three separate experiments.
The current study demonstrates that the vast majority of mature B cells in mice expressed cellsurface CD20 at significant levels (Fig. 2). This first time characterization of cellsurface CD20 expression in mice was made possible by generating a panel of antimouse CD20 mAb. The current studies confirm that mouse cellsurface CD20 expression parallels Cd20gene transcription (5) and human CD20 expression (24). CD20 was expressed after CD19 expression and was predominantly expressed at about the same time as IgM during preB to immature B cell development in the bone marrow (Fig. 2G). Most interesting was that CD20 expression increased with maturation and there were B cell subsetspecific differences in CD20 expression density. Specifically, a subset of IgMhi B cells that correspond to immature/transitional B cells (51) expressed significantly higher densities of CD20 than their less mature precursors and the mature recirculating B cells found in bone marrow (Fig. 2G). The transitional nature of these B cells was verified by the finding that T1 transitional cells found in the spleen also expressed CD20 at the highest densities, with their progeny T2 transitional cells expressing lower levels of CD20 (Fig. 2H). T1 B cells are recent immigrants from the bone marrow, which develop into T2 B cells that are found exclusively in the primary follicles of the spleen (49). Thus, human and mouse CD20 expression patterns are similar with the exception that high CD20 expression serves as an additional marker for characterizing mouse transitional B cells.
Based on the broad pattern of CD20 expression in mouse, CD20deficiency would primarily be expected to influence immature and mature B cell function. Rather, B cell development (Fig. 1) was predominantly normal in CD20–/– mice, in agreement with results obtained from an independent line of CD20–/– mice (28). Nonetheless, CD20–/– mice did demonstrate some unique phenotypic and functional characteristics. Most notable was a significant reduction in transmembrane Ca2+ influx following CD19 or IgM ligation (Fig. 4). In addition, there was a significant reduction in cellsurface IgM expression in CD20–/– mice relative to their wildtype littermates (Table 1 and Fig. 1). Lower IgM expression was a characteristic feature in our CD20–/– mice, even as they were backcrossed with C57BL/6 mice for seven generations. Lower IgM expression was not noted in the studies of O’Keefe et al. (28), and this is not a characteristic of 129 B cells relative to C57BL/6 B cells. Like the CD20–/– mice of O’Keefe et al., a reduction in peritoneal B1 cell development was found in our CD20–/– mice relative to their wildtype littermates (Table 1 and Fig. 2). As demonstrated by O’Keefe et al. (28), this deficiency may result from a polymorphic difference between the 129 and C57BL/6 strains of mice that is linked to the Cd20 locus since CD20–/– and 129 strain mice had similar low frequencies of B1 cells (data not shown). Despite these differences, the activation of signaling molecules downstream of IgM was similar in CD20–/– mice relative to their wildtype littermates (Fig. 5). Thus, disrupted CD20 expression had selective effects on B cell development and signal transduction.
Human CD20 plays an important role in transmembrane Ca2+ influx (13,2527). Consistent with this, splenic B cells from CD20–/– mice generated significantly reduced [Ca2+]i responses following surface IgM or CD19 ligation when compared with B cells from wildtype littermates (Fig. 4). The chelation of extracellular Ca2+ attenuated IgMinduced [Ca2+]i responses to a more significant extent, but did not eliminate [Ca2+]i responses. By contrast, CD19induced [Ca2+]i responses were more dramatically inhibited by CD20 deficiency. The almost complete abrogation of CD19induced [Ca2+]i responses in the presence of EGTA suggests that CD19induced [Ca2+]i responses were primarily dependent on transmembrane Ca2+ influx (Fig. 4). Since CD19induced [Ca2+]iresponses were most dramatically affected by CD20 loss or the chelation of extracellular Ca2+, CD20 expression may predominantly contribute to conductive Ca2+ responses. Consistent with this, human CD20 functions either as a component of a cellsurface Ca2+ channel or as a direct regulator of Ca2+ channel activity (1). As with all knockout mice generated in a 129 genetic background, it remains possible that decreased [Ca2+]iresponses in CD20–/– B cells result from 129 versus C57BL/6 strain differences or Cd20linked 129 strain genes that function differently in a C57BL/6 genetic background. However, both IgM and CD19induced [Ca2+]i responses in CD20–/– littermates were significantly less than those observed in 129 and C57BL/6 strain B cells, and this characteristic was not altered during the course of backcrossing CD20–/– mice with C57BL/6 mice for seven generations. Although O’Keefe et al. concluded that their line of CD20–/– mice had normal IgMinduced [Ca2+]i responses, the IgMinduced [Ca2+]i response shown in their study was lower in CD20–/– B cells than wildtype B cells and CD19induced responses were not evaluated (28). Thus, both sets of CD20–/– mice may have decreased [Ca2+]i responses. The incomplete blockade of [Ca2+]i responses in CD20–/– B cells is likely to reflect the expectation that B cells express numerous Ca2+permeant channels that are structurally and functionally diverse. In addition, proteins of the CD20 or membranespanning 4A (MS4A) family all share significant amino sequence similarities in their transmembrane domains (52,53). Thereby, other MS4A family members may also contribute to transmembrane Ca2+ transport in addition to CD20, and mouse B cell lines and lymphoid tissues expressed transcripts for the majority of the currently identified MS4A family members (unpublished observations). Thus, these results confirm a role for CD20 in regulating transmembrane Ca2+ movement in mouse primary B cells and provide a model system that complements the previous results obtained using human CD20 cDNAtransfected cell lines (13,2527).
While mice and humans share similar patterns of CD20 expression, there are protein sequence differences that were reflected as differences in mouse CD20 phosphorylation and migration in SDS gels Mouse CD20 contains 18 Ser/Thr residues within its proposed cytoplasmic regions with multiple consensus sequences for phosphorylation, while human CD20 contains 26 Ser/Thr residues (5). Human CD20 is significantly downstream from B cell antigen receptorinduced tyrosine kinase activation, but becomes heavily serine and threonine phosphorylated in activated B cells and cell lines (911). In fact, CD20 is hyperphosphorylated in hairy cell leukemia cells which also have unusually high [Ca2+]i levels (54). Ubiquitous kinases such as protein kinase C, casein kinase II and calcium/calmodulindependent protein kinase II are likely to phosphorylate CD20 on different residues with different functional consequences (911,50,55,56). For example, protein kinase Cmediated phosphorylation of CD20 inactivates CD20associated Ca2+ current, which may be one molecular mechanism for regulation of transmembrane Ca2+ conductance in B cells (13). By contrast, mouse CD20 was not hyperphosphorylated following B cell activation (Fig. 3). Divergent amino acid sequences may explain this difference. However, this implies that hyperphosphorylation may only be a small component of CD20 regulation. Alternatively, human and mouse B cells may regulate CD20 function differently. CD20 may also be regulated by other cellsurface and cytoplasmic proteins that associate with it in the membrane (9,10). Most notable in human B cells are uncharacterized cellsurface proteins of 28–30,000 and 180–200,000 Mr, and 50–60,000 Mrcytoplasmic proteins  that include serine kinases, Src family tyrosine kinases (p56/53lyn, p56lck and p59fyn) and 75/80kDa tyrosine phosphorylated proteins (16,58). Similar sized proteins coprecipitated with mouse CD20 (Fig. 3A). Thus, mouse CD20 is likely to form oligomeric cellsurface receptor complexes that may include MS4A family members
The current demonstration that CD20 deficiency does not impart a significant functional disadvantage to B cells explains in part the evolution of CD20deficient lymphomas following antiCD20 immunotherapy in humans . With the availability of the new reagents described in this study, future experiments will be carried out to address this important, yet complex issue. Nonetheless, the current demonstration that mouse and human CD20 have similar functions and patterns of expression provides a basis for future mechanistic studies that will identify the molecular and cellular mechanisms for tumor regression, and the development of tumor resistance to antiCD20 mAb treatment.
We thank Dr Beverley Kohler, Dr David Ord and Mr Paul Jansen for assistance in the generation and characterization of CD20–/– mice. This work was supported by NIH grants CA81776 and CA54464 and a Basic Science Grant from the American Arthritis Foundation.
[Ca2+]i—intracellular calcium
CGG—chicken γglobulin
ES—embryonic stem
GFP—green fluorescent protein
KLH—keyhole limpet hemocyanin
MS4A—membranespanning 4A
Neor—neomycin resistance
NP—4hydroxy3nitrophenyl acetyl
PMA—phorbol myristate acetate


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